Jacob Santos
Oct 16, 2014 09:12AM ● By Marci Heugly
Jacob Santos
Oct. 18, 1998 – Aug. 23, 2014
Students at West Hills Middle School and Copper Hills High School are mourning the loss of their friend and classmate. Jacob Santos, who would have been an incoming Copper Hills sophomore and former West Hills student, tragically passed away on Aug. 23. Santos and his grandmother, Ruth Nelson, were killed in a car accident just days before the new school year began.
“He was an honors student who excelled academically here at West Hills,” Principal Stacy Evans said. “Jacob was also musically talented and participated in our school musical. He was very well-liked by our students and his teachers.”
Copper Hills honored Jacob with a moment of silence during an August assembly and donated $500 to his family.
“Jacob’s teachers knew they could seat Jacob near any student and he would befriend that child,” Evans said. “One of his most endearing qualities was his ability to be a friend to everyone.”