Jaguar Softball Team Plays For More Than Themselves
Apr 17, 2015 06:14PM ● By Greg James
Sophomores Gabby Oliver and Mckenzie Newton are part of the young nucleus for Jaguar softball, they start three freshman and four sophomores. Photo courtesy of WJ softball
Most little girls want to grow up to be Cinderella. When Cinderella’s mother died, she told her daughter to have courage and be kind. West Jordan’s softball team has a Cinderella, who displays courage and kindness towards others, despite the trials she has been dealt.
Sept. 23, 2014 Jaguar junior Allison Delgado’s brother, Alex, committed suicide.
“My brother’s death affected me a lot. Because of my emotions last season, I was not capable of playing the entire year. The girls on the team still kept me involved and part of the team. I practiced with the team and it helped me a lot. This season I wanted to help; I know that everyone has times when they feel down. I want to show them they are not alone,” Delgado said.
Delgado and Jaguar head softball coach Jim Oliver helped organize a team meeting. Delgado discussed the importance of seeking help and to never give up. She presented yellow helmet stickers and yellow bows for every player’s hair.
“I made the bows for our team to wear. It symbolizes that someone loves them and to never give up. I do things like this to help me grieve,” Delgado said.
She organized a group for a suicide awareness walk last fall, and wants to volunteer with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
“She spoke to us about the pains she felt and the struggles her brother went through with depression. She talked about all of the places and people that can help,” Oliver said.
The Jaguars picked up their first win in St. George March 14, 11-4 over Northridge. Oliver said as the team picks up experience, they are getting more confident and playing better.
The Jaguars home field has gone through several upgrades in the off-season. They have new dugouts and field dirt.
“Our facilities will rival anyone’s now. The dirt is smooth and gives us even ground balls. We have a bright future,” Oliver said.
The Jaguars new field and attitude towards others gives them cause to play for more than themselves.
“I miss my brother so much. I can see him watching me in the stands and these things help me stay strong,” Delgado said.

West Jordan softball players wear yellow ribbons to each game in support of their teammate, Allison Delgado. Photo courtesy of WJ softball