Suncatcher Energy is the place to turn for solar products
Mar 11, 2022 09:49AM ● By Peri Kinder
According to Solar Industry Research Data, there are more than 10,000 solar companies operating in the United States. So how does a customer navigate all the information to find the best fit for their home or business?
Van Hove, owner of Suncatcher Energy, is the person to call to get straight
answers when it comes to solar. He started his Suncatcher Energy in 2015, doing
mainly commercial solar installations, but moved into residential after seeing
how the big solar companies’ customer service left a lot to be desired.
“I didn’t like the high-pressure approach, so I started my own company,” Curt says. “The solar industry started by knocking on doors. I don’t do that. I don’t have to report to anyone else and I have no quotas to meet.”
After years of studying and researching the best solar options, Curt works with installers and electricians he’s vetted himself, making sure he’s working with the best in the business.
“You want a solar person who can answer all your questions. Then you can put together a system at a very good price with very good payback.”
Curt is passionate about doing anything he can to alleviate even a small part of global warming. He sees investment in solar as a way to pay it forward for future generations. He educates people on where their energy is actually coming from if they’re not using solar. According to the Rocky Mountain Power website, the “basic fuel mix” for average energy sources is more than 51% coal.
Curt often receives calls from the clients of solar companies no longer in business. The customers are left high and dry with no access to information regarding repairs, warranties, or upgrades. He says they’ve spent thousands of dollars on a solar system they can’t use.
doing my little part to clean the industry up and put some decency and
credibility in it,” he says. “When customers call me, they get me. They don’t
get a call center.”
Energy does solar analysis, solar installation, energy audits, EV batteries and
charging stations, and Vehicle2Grid (V2G) systems. V2G is bidirectional
charging that could transform our current energy systems.
“With V2G, you can charge your car and power your home because it sends power back,” Curt says. “This product is moving fast in Europe and coming to the United States quickly.”
As the owner of Suncatcher Energy, Curt has the flexibility to create solutions for your energy needs, while helping you shrink your carbon footprint and leave a legacy of energy efficiency.
“I do a lot of research to make sure I understand as much as possible about new innovations, so I know the ins and outs of everything I have in my ‘kit bag’ of offerings,” he says. “Determining the best solar power configuration is complicated. You need a full-service expert to educate and partner with you because you want system design that satisfies your needs with the best price and value for your budget.”
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