Celebrities compete in American Cornhole League event in Sandy
May 30, 2022 05:16PM ● By Ryanne Riet
By Ryanne Riet | [email protected]
The American Cornhole League was founded in 2015 by Stacey Moore. The American Cornhole League’s mission is to promote awareness for the sport on every level and, as the saying goes, “anyone can play, anyone can win.”
The American Cornhole League has created apps and software that allow Cornhole lovers all over the nation to check local leagues, tournaments, and any other Cornhole event going on in the area.
“Cornhole is a more strategic game than I originally thought,” Moore said.
Cornhole has become such a popular sport that The American Cornhole League has been contracted with ESPN for a three-year deal.
“We have five ESPN events each year that we put on, one of which was the event in Salt Lake City,” Moore said. That event was held in May in Sandy’s Mountain American Expo Center.
At this year’s Superhole event four celebrities competed for an invitation to compete at the World Championships that will be held in August. They also competed for $100k for the charity of their choice.
Local celebrity Lisa Barlow from “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” participated in the event. So did Los Angeles Charger’s Kyle Van Noy and retired San Francisco 49ers Vernon Davis.
But it was actor Joseph Baena and his partner, ACL Pro Jimmy Youmans who took home the championship and will be joined by seven other celebrities and ACL Pros in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
“We also have nine events the we partner with CBS on,” Moore said, “as well as 30 national events that you can sign up for with a local ACL director.”
To check local ACL opportunities visit Allcornhole.com