Local church looking to do good in community
Oct 04, 2022 12:52PM ● By Linda Steele
By Linda Steele | [email protected]
Mountain Vista United Methodist Church helps many in need. The church supports those in the community by participating in various charitable and outreach programs.
Mountain Vista collects non-perishable food for the Crossroads Urban Center Food Pantry which helps thousands of people each month. Mountain Vista UMC donated 1,957 pounds of food to Crossroads for the Golden Celery Contest. They are grateful for the help of those who attended in July. Mountain Vista UMC won an award for food donations to Crossroads Urban Center.
The[LC1] INN Between is a hospice to help provide medical respite and end of life care for those who are experiencing homelessness. The INN Between helps individualsrecuperate from illness, serious injury or surgery. They have state licensed hospice agencies to help homeless who are in need of life-saving medical treatment.
The Mountain Vista Outreach program made and donated 280 sandwiches in July for St. Vincent De Paul. They are grateful to all the trustees and volunteers for all the maintenance work they do.
“Mountain Vista United Methodist Church is an outreaching congregation, they love to help other people,” said Raedell Elizondo, Office Manager for Mountain Vista UMC.
Project Linus Program gets together every Wednesday afternoon to tie, quilt and crochet quilts for infants to teens. The blankets are given to individuals experiencing any sort of trauma as a source of comfort. Some children
have kept their blankets from infancy to adulthood. The blankets are blessed by Pastor Phil Rogers of Mountain Vista United Methodist Church.
Jean Ann Nohavec started the Linus quilting group. She made a quilt years ago for an auction. “The auction was a lot of fun, and one of the ladies knew about the Linus group,” Nohavec said. This is when she decided to start a Linus quilting group for Mountain Vista UMC. “It means a lot to the kids for comfort. Some children keep their blankets until they are 16,” she said.
This group can quilt the top and crochet the edges of a 54” X 60” quilt in one day. They get donated fabric from people they know and from yard sales. The quilts are donated to hospitals, fire departments, police, military families, national disasters, summer camps for special needs children, individuals in need and many social services organizations.
“Thank you so much for your generous donation. Your kindness has helped in our efforts to provide new parents in need with essential items for their babies. The work and caring of the Linus volunteers is always received with love.” said Millie Martensen, project coordinator Salt Lake Country Chapter - Project Linus.[LC2]
Every year in September and March the Outreach program at Mountain Vista UMC hosts a blood drive with the Salt Lake American Red Cross. This is another way that MountainVista UMC helps those in need.
Mountain Vista UMC offers many activities; Bible Studies, Building Projects, Sports Ministries of Golf and Bowling, Emmaus Reunion Groups, Quilting, Youth Group, Vacation Bible School, Camp Serving Crossroads Urban Center, Committee of Religious Communities, Family Promise, St. Vincent De Paul Dining Hall and the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Mountain Vista UMC is proud to host Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts, Open AA and FA meetings.
Mountain Vista UMC is helping with item drop offs for “Make a Change 4 Refugees, Catholic Community Services.” You can contact Office Administrator Raedell Elizondo at [email protected] for more information. You can also go to https://ccsutah.org for more information.
Nov. 4 and 5 there will be a boutique. On Dec. 3 there will be a homemade cookie sale to help support the church ministries.
The Mountain Vista United Methodist Church invites anyone who wants to donate or participate in helping others. Go to www.mtnvistaumc.org or contact Office Administrators Raedell Elizondo, Jane Tago and Linda Kreib at [email protected]
or call 801-280-4148 Mountain Vista United Methodist Church is located at 8931 S. 3200 W. West Jordan, Utah 84088